Saturday, June 1, 2024

TWD - Gouda Gougeres

 This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe was Gouda Gougeres.

The easiest way to explain these is to describe them as savoury cheese choux buns.

I used sesame seeds instead of cumin seeds to decorate my gougeres. My gougeres were also apparently much bigger than they were supposed to be - I made a half recipe expecting about 25 gougeres, when I in fact made 8.

These gougeres were delicious, fresh from the oven.

To see what everyone else made this week, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.


Anonymous said...

haha...I made mine bigger than expected too! glad you enjoyed them.

Anonymous said...

I made a small batch of bite-size gougeres and freeze the rest of the dough. I agree the puffs are better fresh from the oven. ~ Shirley

Kayte said...

Somehow I missed this post of yours...didn't mean to do that. I'd be happy to have your larger version, they were very good and what's not to love about a bigger one? They look delicious.