Tuesday, July 23, 2024

TWD - Parfait-Layered Vacherin

This week’s Tuesday with Dorie recipe is Parfait-Layered Vacherin. This is a frozen dessert featuring layers of creamy parfait and meringue, topped with caramel sauce and toasted almonds.

Although I would have preferred to buy my meringues and caramel sauce, I couldn’t buy either at my local shops, so I had to make them.

I made a third of the recipe to get two single serve vacherins. 

This dessert was delicious, but unless I could buy the meringues and caramel sauce, I wouldn’t make it again.

To see what everyone else made and what they thought of it, visit the LYL section of  the TWD website.



Tuesday, July 9, 2024

TWD - Lemony Yoghurt Muffins


This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe is Lemony Yoghurt Muffins.

This recipe is exactly what it says on the tin. Dorie encourages add ins, so I added some chopped cherries that I had frozen to preserve them when I went on holidays. 

What’s not to like about a good old fashioned uffin. The citrus flavour is amped up by rubbing the zest into the sugar before adding to the mixture.

To see what everyone else made this week and what they thought of it, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.