Tuesday, July 19, 2011

TWD - Chestnut scones

This week, it's more scones on Tuesday with Dorie.  Andrea of Andrea in the Kitchen selected Dorie's Chestnut Scones.

These scones were my favourite to date, as the chestnut flour gave these scones a subtly unique flavour that you would never identify if you didn't know what was in the scones.

I served these scones with raspberry jam - a delicious taste combination.

To check out some more chestnut scones, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.  Andrea will have the recipe, or buy the book.

Now excuse me, I am off to nibble on another scone ...


Three-Cookies said...

Chestnut scone - never ever heard of this before. I would certainly love to try

Kayte said...

We are sconed-out here at the moment apparently as guys voted no on this one this week, some weeks are like that around here. Yours look lovely!

Gloria Baker said...

Cake law these chestnut scones look delicious!! gloria

Lauren Hairston said...

I can't believe I've never heard of chestnut flour! Now I'm going to have to try it out. Your scones look lovely, but then, they always do!

Amanda said...

Hmm, more scones. I'm sensing a theme...

Cakelaw said...

Hi Amanda, the month of the scone is complete - next week is a totally different tack for TWD.

Anonymous said...

I've never made anything with chestnuts. These sound delicious!

Johanna GGG said...

have been waiting for a chestnut flour recipe to really inspire me - now I just hope my flour is still coping ok in the frdige

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

Oh cool! I'm going to look up the recipe now because I have some chestnut flour that needs using up urgently! :D

Anonymous said...

Chestnut scones and raspberry jam? That does sound Devine!!!
*kisses* HH

Jessica of My Baking Heart said...

Yum! They sound absolutely wonderful with the raspberry jam! :)

Nicole said...

Your scones look so perfect! I couldn't afford the chestnut flour that I did finally find, so I made coconut flour scones. Really tasty!

Nancy/n.o.e said...

I'll bet the scones were delicious with the raspberry jam! They were a big hit at our house, so I'm sure I'll be making them again this autumn.

Cindy said...

Also sconed out. But yours make me want to make them soon. Don't know where I'll find chestnut flour....
Yours look yummy.

Flourchild said...

They look great! Im glad you found some CN flour..I hear it's hard to find!

Barbara Bakes said...

I don't remember ever having a chestnut. After your review, I'd better try some.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy baking scones so much and I can't wait to make these. They look wonderful, Cakelaw!

Elin said...

These scones look good...especially using chestnut flour. Dorie's scone recipes are good and I shall try making these. I have yet to try anything out of the book :) Now busy with FFWD but have to find the time to bake something from her 'Baking From My Home To Yours' :)

Finla said...

Wowo these scones are real new to me.Here in winter we get chestnuts freshly baked in the streets if we go to teh shoping street in Brussels. Never made anything with chestnut at home even though last time when I wa sin Franc i bought two small tines of chesnut puree.

Mary said...

They look fantastic! I love chestnuts and scones, but didn't get these made. I think I'll wait till I'm home and the temperature falls a bit. Yes, I'm a heat wimp.

margot said...

Chestnuts and raspberry sound like a marvelous combination. Your scones look terrific! I couldn't find chestnut flour, so I ended up sitting out. Was it difficult to find in Australia? I know you are usually the one at disadvantage with American-specific ingredients.

Anonymous said...

They look fabulous! I'm not a fan of chestnuts, so I wonder if I would like chestnut flour. I don't think it's too easy to find in the US.