Friday, July 22, 2011

FFwD - Coconut lemongrass-braised pork

This week's French Friday with Dorie challenge sweeps us away to the tropics - perhaps to New Caledonia or some other French colony where the palm trees sway, the ocean is blue and life is good. Ahhh .... now where were we?  That's right - back to reality.

The dish is coconut lemongrass-braised pork, which has a definite Asian influence.  It is a type of pork stew, whereby cubed pork is braised in coconut milk infused with lemongrass, turmeric and various other spices.

What  I liked about this dish is that it was warm and filling - terrific for winter.  What  I didn't like that much was the coconut milk, which made it a little bland.  Oh well - it was OK, just not one I will make again.

To see more coconut lemongrass-braised pork, visit the LYL section of the FFwD website.


Three-Cookies said...

I really love braised pork though never had them this way. Never even thought about it. FFwD is amazing

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

I wonder if you could add some flavour to the coconut to make it less bland? It looks really warming and good!

Cher Rockwell said...

This one was different - it reminded me of many of the Middle Eastern dishes I have been experimenting with lately. I am still not sure what I thought of it!

Lauren Hairston said...

Must be a result of colonialism! Coconut and lemongrass don't scream "French" to me... Sounds like that coconut milk needed some cayenne pepper! ;-)

Kayte said...

Haven't made it yet, but interesting note on the blandness...will be looking for that and a way to fix it, thanks for the heads up. Looks wonderful! A great winter dish indeed, too bad it is summer here! lol

Adriana said...

I'm so happy you got a weather appropriate recipe for a change. This was definitely Asian influenced - leave it to an attorney to coin the perfect phrasing. I felt it was too French to be a 'real' curry, but it was tasty anyways.

Unknown said...

Its interesting to see everyone's reactions to the same recipe, isn't it? We thought it was loaded with flavor and delicious. The coconut milk was one of my favorite parts and I'm thinking of other ways to use it besides the quest I've been on for the perfect coconut milk ice cream.

Anonymous said...

I agree. This was a rather warm dish for summer here in the States. But, being Filipino, I love the coconut milk. Great post!!

Elaine said...

We liked it so much even in the summer here, but I am sure it tasted so good on a cold evening. Your dish looks delicious.

tricia s. said...

I am with you on this one - I thought it was bland but I was not sure why. Had not thought of the coconut milk influence. With all the intense spices going in,I had expected to be blown away by the finished product. Drat those expectations :) Nana was very happy with hers so it was fun for us to be surprised by each other's reactions.

Anonymous said...

Someone else added chicken stock to increase the flavour. Sorry you found yours a little bland.

Hazel - Chicken in a Cherry Sauce said...

What a delicious collection of flavours - definitely one for these rainy summer days!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that this didn't live up to what you wanted. I've been experimenting with coconut milk a little, and I really like the sweet flavour.
*kisses* HH

MyBlackPoodles said...

I think the coconut milk was my turn off. I really couldn't place it, but after reading your post it makes sense. It looks delicious, though.

Unknown said...

I spiced this one up! It was a bland recipe but nothing a jalapeno pepper wouldn't cure! Your stew looks good though;-)

Betsy said...

You had the perfect weather for this one, unlike many of us in the Northern Hemisphere. I didn't love this one either. There's always next week :)