Tuesday, June 13, 2023

TWD - Cherry Bottom, Plum Top Tart

This week’s Tuesday with Dorie recipe is Rhubarb Bottom, Strawberry Top Tart. It is the wrong season for strawberries here, so I mixed this recipe up with fruits I already had in my house - preserved plums and frozen cherries.

I preserved these plums during a COVID lockdown, figuring I’d use them one grey day to give me a lift. Well, that day arrived. 

Instead of poaching rhubarb, I poached frozen cherries, and instead of using strawberries yo flavour the pastry cream filling and on top of the tart, I used my preserved plums.

I was a little sceptical about the fruit puree in the pastry cream, but it is actually delicious. This is especially so when you use pureed plums that had been preserved in alcohol 🤣🤣

The only drawback of using plums instead of strawberries is that it makes the tart a bit trickier to cut neatly. I solved the problem by cutting through the plums first then completing the slice.

To see what everyone else made this week and what they thought of it, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.


steph- whisk/spoon said...

boozy plums-- yum! I'm on board with this!

Anonymous said...

I love how you improvised! I am also realizing from seeing others that I take for granted in California we have strawberries most of the year 😳😂

Cakelaw said...

🤣🤣 yes, it was good.

Cakelaw said...

You are lucky!! Out of season strawberries here, when available, taste bland and watery.