Tuesday, June 11, 2024

TWD - Jelly Roll

 This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe is Jelly Roll.  It comprises a light sponge, rolled when still hot out of the oven, then once cooled, filled with ostensibly jelly.

I rebelled and filled my half recipe sponge roll with lemon curd. I am going to serve it for dessert, warmed, with custard. Yum!

To see what everyone else made this week, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.


flour.ish.en said...

This is a lovely roll and lemon curd is a great choice for filling in my book.

Anonymous said...

Oh your cake roll looks so pretty. I made the other cake this week, but after seeing yours, I am excited to make this one for next time. I think lemon curd was one of the options she gives for filling it and I am a huge lemon fan, so I'm thinking that I'm going to try for the look you got with the filling you used! What cute dishware you used.

Kayte said...

The Anonymous comment was me...Kayte...I don't know why I couldn't get it to go properly but you probably figured it out from my comment alone, right? lol

Anonymous said...

Lemon curd is a good choice, my husband loves that. I hope it was a hit for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh I think lemon curd sounds like a fabulous idea and I love the roll you got! (This is Kim-isthisakeeper)

Anonymous said...

Your jelly roll looks perfect! I would choose lemon curd over jam or jelly any day!

Judy said...

Your jelly roll looks perfect! I would choose lemon curd over jam or jelly any day! (Follow up to the above anonymous post.)

Lovie Bernardi said...

Perfect! Lemon curd sounds like a delicious filling.