And last but certainly not least, a block of Ghirardelli Toffee Interlude chocolate - which is a deep, dark chocolatey experience spotted with crunchy toffee - yum!!!!
Thanks so much Smita! Also, a big thanks to Stephanie at Dispensing Happiness for carrying out the not-so-small task of organising Blogging by Mail.
I find a food processor invaluable in making pastry, because it cuts out a lot of the elbow grease in rubbing butter into flour, and is much quicker. Partly for this reason, partly because it produces a great tasting pie crust that doesn't compete with the filling, and partly because it doesn't shrink much, I like to use this pastry recipe from Exclusively Food for sweet pies.
Thanks to Kitchen Parade for hosting Pi Day, and do check out the progressive roundup of pies here.
1/2 cup sugar
zest of 1 lemon
1/3 cup lemon juice
4 egg yolks
250ml pouring cream
To make the semifreddo, place the sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice for the semifreddo in a saucepan and heat it, stirring continuously, until it develops a syrup-like consistency (~ 10 minutes). Remove from the heat.
Beat the egg yolks in a mixing bowl using an electric mixer until "fluffy", then while the motor on the mixer is still running, pour the syrup-like mixture into the yolks, and continue beating for aorund 10 minutes until cool.
Whip the cream to soft peak stage, then fold int the egg yolk mixture. Spoon the mixture into 4 dariole moulds lined with cling film, cover the tops of the moulds with more cling film, and freeze for a minimum of four hours.
To make the limoncello syrup, put the sugar, vodka, lemon juice and zest into a suacepan and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes until thickened into a syrup, then remove from the heat and allow to cool completely.
When serving the semifreddo, place each unmoulded semifreddo on a plate and pour over some limoncello syrup.
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