Friday, April 19, 2013

FFWD - Cod and Spinach Roulades

This week's French Fridays with Dorie recipe did not sound good to me.  Cod and spinach roulades?  They sounded even worse when I realised we were making fish mousse sausages filled with spinach, onion and preserved lemon:

Scary little suckers, aren't they:

These actually didn't taste too bad in the end, but honestly, why would I waste good fish by processing it up with egg white and cream to make fish sausages, when unadulterated fish tastes so much better.

To see what the other Doristas thought of this dish, please visit the LYL section of the FFWD website.


Cher Rockwell said...

This was a bit scary, but we ended up really enjoying it.

I am not sure if it would supplant my longing for a good fillet of fish, but it's something different (and it looks impressive)

Mardi Michels said...

Not being a huge fan of fish I actually enjoyed these - because they didn't taste too fishy!! I loved the technique - was fun but yes, a lot of work when plain grilled fish can be so tasty..

Rose said...

"Fish sausage" made me laugh:-)

Unknown said...

You hit the nail on the head! Why mess up a good piece of fish/ I have to say your roulades are the best looking I've seen so far!

Ei said...

Sorry you didn't love this more. I thought it was great.

Sara said...

I agree! The fish would have been much better on its own. As it was, the mousse didn't taste much like anything at all. Kinda blah. Well, at least is was interesting!

Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed your fish stayed together!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Yours are the prettiest roulades I've seen so far! Yeah, won't be re;eating these!

Diane Balch said...

I couldn't agree with you more... don't mess with good fish. It's a French thing, they just like playing with their food.

Kathy said...

I totally agree!! I couldn’t believe I put my beautiful cod into a food processor and made fish mousse…however, I did find it quite good! Yours came out lovely!!

Betsy said...

I didn't realize we were making fish mousse until I really read the recipe. I think plain old fish, perhaps with this filling, or not, is what I'll do next time. As you say, why mess with something that's already good? Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ha, why waste perfectly good fish on something so silly, indeed!!!
Beautiful blog!!

Mary Hirsch said...

If Dorie had called them Fish Sausages rather than roulades, I think I would have just passed. But roulade means to me the wonderful desserts we've made in the past two years. So, how bad could it be? Yeah, right. Yours look good, Gaye, well done. At least we all know "how" - on some level. I do think this is very European. It hasn't reached Colorado yet nor Australia, I would think.

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

The name itself doesn't sound very appealing does it?

Andrea_TheKitchenLioness said...

Your roulades came out perfect even if you did not really enjoy them that much! But at least the technique was intereseting I think. Very nicely done!
Have a good Monday!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

I was quite scared of this too. Yours look like they turned out really well though... much more sausagy than mine anyway. :)

Teresa said...

I agree - there are so many ways to enjoy unadulterated fish, why bother? I did enjoy learning the technique, though. It was an interesting process.