Tuesday, August 13, 2024

TWD - Alsatian-Style Blueberry Tart

This week’s Tuesday with Dorie recipe is Alsation-Style Blueberry Tart. A shortcrust pastry shell houses blueberries and a creamy custard.

It’s as delicious as it sounds. To see what everyone else made this week and their thoughts on it, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.


Mardi Michels said...

Yours looks great! My custard turned blue!

Cakelaw said...

Thanks Mardi. Blue or otherwise, I am sure it tasted delicious.

Diane Zwang said...

We loved this one too. Very blueberry.

Shirley @ Everopensauce said...

There are so much blueberries on this tart which is lovely to see and to eat.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that tart of yours looks just perfect, just what Dorie intended. I think sharing this with your neighbors, as you commented on my post, was an excellent idea...I'm sure they were very happy with this one. Lovely photos.

Kayte said...

The anonymous post was me...having trouble again commenting on your site.

Lovie Bernardi said...

Perfect crust! Your tart looks delicious.

Judy said...

Your tart looks delicious with all those blueberries! I may have to make it again, now.

steph- whisk/spoon said...

crossing my fingers for some bloobs at the farmers' market tomorrow. this looks delish!

Anonymous said...

I haven’t made this yet and by the looks of yours…it seems like it will be a winner. (Kim)