Thursday, February 16, 2017

EwE - Chicken Marsala - Your Heart's Desire

Kayte chose the theme of Your Heart's Desire to coincide with Valentines Day for Eating with Ellie this week.  I interpreted this to mean that I could make whatever I wanted to.  Where I took the theme is - if I was cooking Valentines Day dinner for my beloved, what would I make from Ellie's repertoire? 

I chose Ellie's Chicken Marsala from Comfort Food Fix.  It tastes a little bit naughty but is actually very nice, given its Ellie makeover.  The sauce is thick and sweet, containing marsala and mushrooms.  I served my chicken marsala with boiled beans and carrots that had been sexed up with a splosh of cream.

To see what everyone else desired this week, visit the LYL section of the EwE website.


2paw said...

Comfort food: yum. I confess I would need mashed potato to soak up the marsala sauce!!!!

Kayte said...

I wish you would make this for me! This looks fabulous. I really have to get it together and get with EwE posting as I am just missing so much. I wish I could sit down and eat this with you, and I always want to eat off those plates!!