Tuesday, May 14, 2024

TWD - Cream Puffs with Crackle and Cream

This week’s Tuesday with Dorie recipe is Cream Puffs with Crackle and Cream.

As the name suggests, these are choux buns with crackle tops and filled with cream.

The buns turned out quite well:

The crackle is absolutely  delicious - I’d make it again.

To see what everyone else made this week, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.


  1. These look terrific...they were very fun to make and assemble, weren't they? Mark is practicing no restraint whatsoever...he's had two fully loaded with whipped cream so far (in one day). Not fair...he never gains an ounce in weight. I would make these again as well. Love how all yours are sitting on that plate ready to go!

  2. The crackle topping really did it for us. Absolutely delicious. Yours are great looking!

  3. Ooh yours turned out pretty! Love the crackle top on yours!

  4. your crackle is perfect! I hope mine come out so nicely :)


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