Monday, February 2, 2015

Chocolate Glazed Doughnuts for Groundhog Day

Today, 2 February, is Groundhog Day. This annual event, celebrated in the fabulous film of the same name, involves prediction of the remaining length of winter by a groundhog.  If the groundhog sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter; if it does not see its shadow, then spring is on its way.

One of my favourite scenes in the film, Groundhog Day, involves Phil Connors (Bill Murray) chowing down on a gluttonous feast of pancakes, cakes, pastries and coffee, while his horrified companion, Rita (Andie McDowell), looks on.  Rita tartly remarks, "I like to see a man of advancing years throw caution to the wind, it's inspiring in a way."  Phil, however, doesn't care; he knows that whatever he does that day won't matter, because he will start the same day all over again when he wakes up in the morning.

(Still from Groundhog Day sourced from the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema website)

In honour of Groundhog Day and one of my favourite movies, I made chocolate glazed doughnuts.  Yes folks, they are fried, not baked.  The recipe that I used was from the book, Donuts, by Tracey Meharg.  The recipe is entitled Cookies and Cream Donuts, and has been published online here.

I followed the recipe as written, but omitted the cookie cream.  I also ran out of frosting because I had a dozen doughnuts instead of just ten as stated by the recipe, so I used a small amount of CSR Berry Bliss Icing Mixture to ice the remaining two doughnuts.  To finish my glazed doughnuts, I topped them with an array of sprinkles.

These doughnuts are suitably decadent for Phil Connors to chow down on in the café scene in Groundhog Day. Bon appetit Phil, and Happy Groundhog Day everyone.


Pam said...

Those doughnuts look delicious, and they wouldn't last long here.

Groundhog Day was filmed in Woodstock, IL---just down the road from us. So the day is a huge occasion here every year, except that we had a ton of snow over the weekend, and they couldn't celebrate as usual this year.

Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself said...

I have no idea about Groundhog day but that doesn't mean I can't eat your beautiful doughnuts right?
Glazed, chocolatey goodness in a dessert :D

Choc Chip Uru

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

Hehe I haven't seen that movie in so long but that is a funny scene indeed! Your doughnuts look fantastic :D

Kayte said...

One of my favorite movies as well...I think I have seen it 20 times or more and can probably recite the entire Some great lines from that movie. Now about the doughnuts...I like the sprinkles. :-) You knew I wouldn't be crazy about that chocolate, right? You know, you could have used the chocolate off one of them for the others and left one absolutely bare with a few sprinkles and said, "The bare naked one is for Kayte." LOL, just kidding around...maybe. :-)

Cakelaw said...

You can definitely have as many doughnuts as you like :)

Cakelaw said...

LOL - you can have one of the berry ones Kayte.

Cakelaw said...

Pam, I am in awe - that is very cool.

Cakelaw said...

It's a great movie, isn't it.

Johanna GGG said...

if I had phil connors groundhog day I would eat these over and over

Kari said...

How good would it be if these featured as an over-and-over groundhog scenario! They look great :)