Tuesday, July 23, 2024

TWD - Parfait-Layered Vacherin

This week’s Tuesday with Dorie recipe is Parfait-Layered Vacherin. This is a frozen dessert featuring layers of creamy parfait and meringue, topped with caramel sauce and toasted almonds.

Although I would have preferred to buy my meringues and caramel sauce, I couldn’t buy either at my local shops, so I had to make them.

I made a third of the recipe to get two single serve vacherins. 

This dessert was delicious, but unless I could buy the meringues and caramel sauce, I wouldn’t make it again.

To see what everyone else made and what they thought of it, visit the LYL section of  the TWD website.




  1. It looks just perfect, especially on a warm day (which it is here!) I was able to find meringue cookies, and I used ice cream for the filling, which made it a quick dessert.

    1. Thanks! I think this would be a great dessert using icecream and ready made meringues- that would give you maximum impact for minimum effort.

  2. These are perfection! Can confirm that with store-bought meringues and caramel this is so simple!

    1. I agree Mardi. If only the shops in my local area sold normal things! It was delicious - totally enjoyed the end result.

  3. I like your individual portions. I am glad that you enjoyed them despite all the work.

  4. I like your individual serving size! That is a good thing to consider if I make this again! It was easier with store bought items but yours was probably tastier! (Kim)

    1. Thanks Kim. The individual serves made it easier to make only what I could reasonably use.

  5. I made a little one, too, and like you, I made the separate parts as caramel sauce is incredibly easy, and I couldn't find meringues in the shops I go to here, so making them was an option...if I had planned ahead I could have ordered them online, oops. Anyway, it went well but it was time consuming. Yours looks cute and fun.

    1. Yes, making the components individually was time consuming. However the end result was delicious.

  6. the above comment about also making a little one was mine...Kayte...sorry, the box to sign in did not appear.

  7. That looks delicious. It is interesting how easy it can be with shop ingredients and how much work without but I am sure yours tasted lovely with your freshly made meringues and caramel.

    1. Thanks Johanna. I’d make this again, but only if I could but the components

  8. I was debating whether I should make two smaller or one big vacherin, and I made the latter. Yours are very good looking, especially on that green plate. ~ Shirley

    1. Thanks Shirley. The plate is from Anthropologie in Santa Monica - an odd souvenir of my holiday, but a useful one.


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