Tuesday, June 14, 2022

TWD - One Big Break-Apart Chipper

 This week’s Tuesday with Dorie recipe is One Big Break-Apart Chipper. As the name suggests, it is a single ginormous chocolate chip cookie, meant to be shared by breaking off pieces.

I didn’t think that the break off and share method would go down well at work, where I am taking this cookie, so I cut it into pieces straight out of the oven while still hot and cuttable.

The spices are cardamom and cinnamon; I chose walnuts for the nut component, and for the chocolate chips, I used half and half chopped dark chocolate and Reese’s pieces. I sprinkled the top of the cookie with sanding sugar for extra crunch.

To see what everyone else made this week and what they thought of it, visit the LYL section of the TWD website


  1. I was not sharing this one except with Neil so I DID do the break apart cookie. Even 1/2 the cookie was huge!!


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