Friday, June 21, 2019

Lorraine's Bitter Lemon and Poppyseed Cake

Sunshine on a rainy day
Makes my soul, makes my soul, 
Trip, trip, trip away

                                      Christine Anu 

It has been grey and cold and wet for most of this week, and today is the winter solstice.  Winter has settled in with a vengeance, and has left us scrabbling for puffer jackets, umbrellas and beanies to shut out the cold while we huddle up and shiver on freezing tram stops. While the days will start to get longer now, the weather is likely to get worse before it gets better, which will be months away. 

A little piece of sunshine in this cold weather is Lorraine's Bitter Lemon and Poppyseed Cake from Not Quite Nigella - recipe here. Just looking at this sunny yellow cake makes me smile:

My cake was not so bitter because I used some beautiful Meyer lemons given to me by Emma at work.  They were the most glorious, blemish-free, bright yellow lemons that anyone could wish for - definitely sunshine on a rainy day!  

I used candied lemon slices to decorate my cake rather than fresh lemon slices and thyme, as I wanted the decoration to be edible. You can find out how here. I think it was well worth the effort (and the extra lemon) to make them.  They are little orbs of sunshine all by themselves.

I thoroughly recommend making this delicious cake.  The bright, sharp lemon flavour melds with the crunchy nuttiness of the poppy seeds in this soft, fluffy, tea-time worthy cake.

Enjoy the shortest/longest day of the year (depending on where you are), and see you on the other side!


  1. Aww I'm so chuffed that you made this and I squealed with delight when I opened up your blog this morning! Great idea using candied lemon on top too and how lovely to be able to access Meyer lemons! :D

  2. As a fan of lemon cakes, and especially lemon-poppyseed cakes, I find this totally attractive. What a great thing to do with lemons!

    best... mae at

  3. I love the candied slices on top - our lemon tree is meyer lemons so maybe I need to try this too!

  4. I'm not sure if you're aware of this but your blog has been copied at featuredrecipedotinfo. Mine has been cloned as well. I discovered this when I did a google image search for a Baking Chez Moi recipe and images from our blogs appeared with different blog names. I found this article on cloning: https://pigeonpairandme dot com/what-to-do-if-your-blog-or-website-is-cloned.html. I don't know yet how helpful it is as I only just started the reporting process last night.


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