Monday, January 11, 2016

Jamie Oliver's Banana and Blueberry Smoothie Pancakes

Breakfast is a meal that I sometimes struggle with - not because I don't eat it, but because I get bored with the same thing all the time. That means that I am always looking for tasty alternatives to cereal and milk or toast.

On the weekend, I dug out Jamie Oliver's Every Day Super Foods, and hankered for the banana and blueberry smoothie pancakes.  As it was Sunday and I wanted something a little different, I made them. 

These pancakes are really tasty.  The batter is very thick - don't worry about that, as that is how they are supposed to be.  However, mine were too thick so I had to loosen up the batter with a little  more milk so that I could spread the batter in the pan.

The pancakes have no added sugar and are cooked without oil or butter.  This means that they are much healthier than you average pancake.  Sure, they are not light and fluffy melt-in-your-mouth discs from heaven, but with all the berries in them, they are super juicy, and the accompaniments of yoghurt and honey add more moistness and sweetness.  

To make a full batch of these pancakes (I only made half), you will need:

320g blueberries
1 ripe banana, peeled
170ml semi-skimmed milk
1 large egg
250g wholemeal self-raising flour
4 tablespoons natural yoghurt
ground cinnamon
30g mixed unsalted toasted chopped nuts

Put half of the blueberries, the banana, milk, egg and flour in a blender, and pulse to make a smooth (but thick!) batter. Scrape the batter into a bowl and fold through the remaining blueberries. 

Place a non-stick frying pan on a medium-high heat. Once hot, spoon the batter into the pan to make pancakes of the desired size.  (I used a small one-pancake sized frypan). Cook the batter for a couple of minutes on each side, or until crisp or golden. 

Serve the pancakes topped with the yoghurt, a sprinkle of cinnamon, the chopped nuts and a drizzle of honey.  Jamie also states that he likes to cut the pancakes in half so that you can see the fruit inside - not essential, but it turns one chunky pancake into two thinner ones. 


  1. these look delicious - makes me wonder if I could just add flour to leftover smoothies (we have them every now and then) to make pancakes

  2. These have been on my list to make for a while. I might make them with the boys this term in cooking club as I am sure pancakes will go down a treat!

  3. We're lucky to have breakfast at 9-30 so we have time after our walk to decide what to make. I quite like little pancake/pikelets, but this sounds a delicious recipe and doesn't use out of the ordinary ingredients either. Yum!!!

  4. Banana and Blueberry Smoothie Pancakes just sound like a celebration breakfast to I need to get something to celebrate soon so I can fire them up. Yours look delicious. Why oh why don't I live close enough to come for breakfast? :-)


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