Wednesday, October 7, 2015

WWDH - Simple Vanilla Cake

For Wednesday with Donna Hay this week, Peggy chose Donna's Simple Vanilla Cake.  This recipe is just as it says - a basic vanilla butter cake:

The recipe made icing optional, and referred to Donna's whipped buttercream if you wanted to ice the cake.

I thought that Donna's icing was a bit too much faffing around for a simple cake. On the day I made this, I had watched an Everyday Gourmet where Justine made cupcakes for kids.  She had iced them using a basic icing  made from 1 1/2 cups icing sugar, 125g butter and a tablespoon of milk beaten together then coloured.  I thought this icing would be perfect for my simple vanilla cake: 

As you can see, my decorations were also inspired by Justine's cupcakes - simple and joyous.

This was a really tasty basic cake.  I think the icing enhanced the enjoyment of the cake by adding some colour, moistness and flavour.  Loved it.

To se what the others thought of this cake, visit the LYL section of the WWDH website.


  1. Glad you liked it! It was a bit dry to me. I think icing would definitely improve it! Love your pink icing!

  2. I like the sound of that icing. It looks like one of those old fashioned icings that you get on madeira cakes which I've got such a soft spot for! :D

  3. You turned it into such a pretty cake. It is a great cake to do what you want with it.

  4. Oh your everyday vanilla cake is just beautiful and not every day at pretty with that pink icing and those sugar balls all over the place. It would be such fun to bake cakes with you!

  5. I cannot believe it has taken me this long to visit your cake. I love the frosting you added. So festive.


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