Tuesday, September 22, 2015

TWD - Apple Kuchen

Today's Tuesday with Dorie recipe is Apple Kuchen.  It is a deep dish pie crust filled with loads of apples, dried fruit and creamy custard.

I chose apricots rather than raisins to complement my 1 kilo (yes, 1 kilo!) of apples in the filling, and soaked the apricots in Calvados, which gave the apricots a delightfully sharp taste.

I kid you not, lining the pan with the dough was a nightmare that I do not wish to relive any time soon.  However, once you have done it, and peeled, cored and chopped that 1 kilo of apples into 1 inch dice, the rest is a breeze.

Dorie recommended 60-70 minutes baking time, but my kuchen was still wet on top at that stage, and I ended up leaving it in for an extra half an hour.

I skipped the part at the end where extra sugar is sprinkled on top and the kuchen is placed under the broiler, because I do not have a broiler.

Here's a peek inside the kuchen: 

I did not love this dessert, but I did like it.  However, for efforts versus results, I am unlikely to make this one again.

To see what the other bakers thought of this dish, visit the LYL section of the TWD website


  1. What a shame the effort wasn't quite worth it as it sounds like the pastry assemble was a challenge! I'd never heard of this but think it sounds delicious.

  2. Oh what a shame that you didn't love it-was some of it because of the pastry? I was given lots of apples one time and I wish I had this recipe! :)

    1. Hi Lorraine, I think a higher custard to fruit ratio would have been better.

  3. I'm with you... I liked it but didn't love it. I also agree that I would have personally liked more custard in mine.

  4. I agree the pastry was a pain :0 Also, I used less apples than the recipe called for because I wanted a more custardy filling (also I minified it, surprise!) and that worked. If you can get through the pain of the pastry, try again with less apples...

  5. I agree. Like, not love. At least we can cross this one off the list!

  6. Looks amazing! Good idea to skip the broiler step--my raisins were torched. And I agree about getting that crust into the pain...it was a pain!

  7. I had a similar frustrating encounter with the crust. Your tart turned out very well. Can't agree more that the amount of apple in the recipe is way too much. I cut back on the apples. A last-minute change that seemed to work!

  8. My raisins were torched as well after the broiler step and yeah.. that dough was fun to get into the spring form pan. But I really liked the apples and custard filling.

  9. The apricots soaked in calvados sound wonderful with the apples. I prefer desserts that are mainly fruit and not much else so this was a hit with me, even with a crust that gave me a hard time (first time ever with a Dorie crust)

  10. Your tourte is beautiful. I will admit the crust was a bit difficult but we enjoyed it all.

  11. Your kuchen turned out beautifully and Calvados sounds like a wonderful choice. But, if it's too much trouble for the amount of enjoyment you get from it, I agree it's not worth making a recipe again.

  12. YES!! The crust was a nightmare. I had to patch it everywhere, but in the end it turned out well. WE also liked it, but didn't love it. Wish mine had had as much custard as yours.

  13. We seemed to have similar issues and reviews of this one. There is always a next recipe. Have a great weekend.

  14. I thought and felt same! I have been away from cooking for so long it was great to return to this recipe and I am glad I made it. I thought there would be more custard, lucky for me I love apples :)

  15. I have made a similar recipe from Nick Malgieri and it wasn't that difficult but it was cumbersome and I did not care for it as much as other things similar to it, a little heavy and large. That said, yours does look very nice and it is hard to believe from looking at it that you struggled at all. You are such a pro!


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