Wednesday, May 13, 2015

WWDH - Spinach Ravioli with Basil Oil

It was my pick for Wednesday with Donna Hay this week, and I chose Spinach Ravioli with Basil Oil from Seasons.  The recipe is also posted online here.

This ravioli is made using gow gee wrappers from the deli section of the supermarket as the pasta.  You then place a small amount of spinach and ricotta filling in the middle of a wrapper, brush water around the edge of the wrapper as glue, and place another wrapper on top and press to seal.  Instant ravioli!

I liked this dish a lot.  It was very filling and cheap to make, hence is a winner in my books.

To see what the other Donna Hay devotees made of this dish, visit the LYL section of the WWDH website.


  1. I think I would like this very much too - looks pretty with the basil oil

  2. I wish mine turned out like yours did. Yours were so easy and mine so difficult. I learned my lesson.

    I want to make these over using wontons and see what happens. I bet they will be delicious.

  3. Wonton wrappers are NOT a good sub for the gow gee wrappers. Too thin to boil. Look good and yours didn't fall apart like mine.
    I would like to see Donna's pic of her ravioli.


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