Thursday, February 12, 2015

EwE - Japanese-Style Savoury Vegetable Pancakes with Prawns

I am a fan of My Kitchen Rules on Channel 7.  I told myself that this year, I wasn't going to get hooked - but it's already happened, and I am in, at least for the instant restaurant round.  Last night, I was very excited to see my home town featured.  It looked so pretty, and made me a little wistful for home. 

In my kitchen, I recently made Japanese-Style Savoury Vegetable Pancakes with Prawns for our new Thursday cooking group, Eating With Ellie.  This week's recipe was selected by Chaya.

I made an approximation of a quarter of the recipe for breakfast one morning.  It may be because I am not very good at cooking this sort of thing properly (too dark on the outside, not quite cooked enough in the middle), or maybe because prawns aren't my thing early in the morning, but I wasn't taken by these.  I want to steal Margaret's pancakes (as pictured on the Eating with Ellie website), as they look so crispy and golden.  For this reason, my indifference is probably more about my personal execution of the dish than the recipe.

To see what the other members of our group thought of these pancakes, visit the LYL section of the EwE website. And if you'd like to join us, just contact any one of the EwE members and get a hold of  copy of Ellie Krieger's Weeknight Wonders, the book from which we are cooking.


  1. Some shows draw you in despite best intentions! It's always fun to see places you know featured on TV too.

    I can't imagine having seafood for breakfast (even pre-veggie days :-) ) but the savoury vegetable pancake bit sounds great to me for a meal.

  2. I haven't watched any of this season's. I've been watching plenty of tv though-too much! :P

  3. My Kitchen Rules sounds interesting. We recently got an Australian show called Mr. and Mrs. Murder here on our Public Broadcast System network and we have been enjoying that...maybe we will get My Kitchen Rules sometime! :-) Your pancakes look just perfect for where I am sitting. Pancakes generally are not a hit here at home so I ate one but then used the rest in lettuce wraps which worked out nicely. Don't be appalled. :-) I can fit most anything in a lettuce wrap and be a happy lunch gal. Yours do look nice.

  4. My Pancakes were not golden brown like margarets either! I think yours look tasty! I just wasnt a big fan of these.

  5. And here I was thinking mine were a little TOO crispy!!! I really liked these. Good for a side or alone for lunch.

    Going to have to check out Kitchen Rules website. Always fun to see new places.


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