Thursday, January 29, 2015

EwE- Shotgun Wedding Soup

It is week 2 of our new group, Eating with Ellie, where we cook along from Weeknight Wonders by Ellie Krieger.  Kayte had kindly sent me the recipe, but today, my book arrived, so I am in action.

This week, Margaret chose Shotgun Wedding Soup.  I had no idea what this was until I read the recipe, but apparently the name has to do with the marriage of meat and vegetables.  It is a kind of chicken soup with egg and spinach that reminded me of chicken noodle soup from a Chinese restaurant, sans noodles.

I made a half recipe (no idea what I'd do with 8 cups of soup!), which was plenty for two meals for me.  I minced a chicken thigh myself instead of buying pre-minced chicken, which can be a bit dry. 

This soup made a quick, tasty meal.  I liked it rather than loved it, but I learned a new dish.

To see what our other EwE cooks thought, visit the LYL section of the EwE website.


  1. It looks very tasty but I found the name super funny - if I ever have a shotgun wedding, I'll be sure to serve it :P

    Choc Chip Uru

  2. You did it right. You got the eggs to be strips. Mine are just blobs but delicious blobs.

  3. This is quite similar to a soup that my mother makes. We always enjoy it :) Great name!

  4. This is such a funny name for a soup, but it does seem sort of appropriate!

  5. Looks good. I like your chicken idea. I'm not a huge fan of ground turkey in my soups, but this one was tasty. I added a tiny bit of pasta to mine.

  6. I think this soup is a take on Italian Wedding Soup as it tastes quite like it. In that soup the meat is in little tiny meatball form so I guess the fact that we just browned up the meat it looked more like shotgun pellets (all over the place) so that's how it got its name. Kinda of a joke and funny really. Anyway, yours looks like mine mostly except I did not get my eggs to go in like yours and they just sort of dissolved in the soup. Oh, well...I did like the taste of it all...felt good not eating a lot of fat and calories and just have a comforting soup with fresh ingredients. If you made this again, I would come and eat it...okay, maybe not that far, but you know what I mean. :-)

  7. I love that your eggs "blossomed" like Chinese Egg Flower soup.... I got strands that broke into blobs. Good idea using minced chicken too. Great post!

  8. Like Italian Wedding soup. Which I have been wanting to try. This is a much simpler version.

    Looks like it came out just right!


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