Saturday, October 4, 2014

Caramelised onion galettes with goats cheese


If you like mini food and want ideas for your next tea party, may I recommend caramelised onion galettes with goat's cheese, a simple but brilliant idea from p120 of Treat Petite by Fiona Pearce.

When I first read the recipe, I was unconvinced.  Supposedly you could make little puff pastry cups by cutting out 3cm circles from the pre-rolled puff pastry sheet, then scoring smaller (2.5cm) circles just inside, and it would cook up into a cup.  No way, I said, and I was thinking of making little tart shells instead.  However, time got the better of me, and I gave it a go - and I am so glad that I did: 

The pastry puffs up in the oven, but when you press on the scored centre with a spoon while it is still hot, the middle part crumbles inwards, giving you a neat, shallow little cup to load up with goodies.
The recipe suggests caramelising your own onions to fill the tarts, but I just filled them with a teaspoon or so of bottled caramelised onions - another time saver for the time poor, like me.  You then just pop a small piece of goats cheese on top of each tart, and a sprig of thyme, then bake at 180 degrees for a further 10 minutes and lo - you have gorgeous, perfectly formed galettes that look super and taste devine.


  1. yum yum this looks so good. and such cute cups.

  2. how yummy do these look - and I love the sound of those puff pastry shells - must try them - so many ideas I could use in them

  3. These look beautiful and would be lovely for the holidays. Blessings, Catherine

  4. These are really cute :) Beautiful finger food!

  5. wow, damn delicious!!!
    sweet caramelized onion and savoury goat cheese is a killer combo!!!

  6. One of my all time favourite flavour combinations - I could eat a frightening amount of these!

  7. What cute little appetisers! I love caramelised onion so much :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  8. THESE look wonderful. Love caramelized onion and goat cheese. Together - perfect!

  9. Yes, it is magic, isn't it, when the sides rise. I have done this on some rectangular tart thingies. These are an excellent idea and I shall make them next time I need some treats to take.

  10. The onion galettes with goats cheese are so nice...they just look so appealing and wonderful on that tray. You pick out the best things.


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