Friday, October 18, 2013

FFWD - Caramel Almond Tart

Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
The Turtles, So Happy Together
The lyrics above apply to the relationship between caramel and almond - so happy together.  They also describe the relationship between me and Dorie Greenspan's Caramel Almond Tart, the subject of this week's French Friday with Dorie - so happy together.


This tart is absolutely delicious, yet so simple to make.  It starts with Dorie's magical sweet tart dough that you press into the pan rather than rolling it out, and which doesn't shrink.  In short, it's a dream! 

Next, you make a caramel cream.  I was little surprised when I made this, as I was expecting caramel - but of course, once you add a large amount of cream to a small amount of caramel, you get caramel cream, which is quite fluid, rather than a viscous caramel.

You then make a caramel custard using the caramel cream, then line the tart shell with toasted almonds, pour on the cream, and bake.  Et voila - a wonderful dessert emerges:


Could you resist this?  I sure couldn't - so happy together.  Sigh ...

To see what the other Doristas thought of this tart, visit the LYL section of the website. 


  1. Yours looks fab! I realised (too late, we'd already eaten it!) that I didn't bake the tart shell first - so it was a little soggy. Fortunately I did roll out the dough and it was nice and thin so not too bad but I need to make it again properly!

  2. I am sure I would be very happy with this tart too - looks delicious thought sounds like a bit of work

  3. Oh my gosh, that looks and sounds wonderful! Dorie's sweet tart dough is the best too!

  4. This was good, wasn't it?
    (And I love that song)

  5. And ABSOLUTELY delicious. Definitely something to make often. So simple and so good!!

  6. I don't think I'd be resisting either. This looks beautiful - definitely shop worthy!

  7. LOL I couldn't resist this one either! We loved it! :)

  8. Scrumptious!

    I was not too sure of the amount for the almonds - line - it should be dump the whole lot of nuts - hence I got more custard instead....

  9. Yup, I'm a caramel fanatic, too! Your tart looks perfect!!! I'm going to be humming that song all day :)

  10. I loved the combination of caramel and almond, even though I had to go through an alternate way to combine them.

    Now I can't get the Turtles out of my head. Talk about an earworm!

  11. We really enjoyed this one, too - simple, yet elegant!

  12. Perfect song sentiment! Great looking tart!

  13. This really was a winner! Yours looks lovely!

  14. Your post made me smile from the very beginning. This one was such a surprise, so tasty. I really love the tart dough. Always comes out perfectly!

  15. And now I will be hearing that sound in my head for a while - so glad that I LOVE it. Just like I loved this dessert. Next time I would like to get a gorgeous color like you did but I certainly wolfed my "blond" version down :)

  16. I must give this a go! A pastry dough that you press in is always preferable to rolling it out for me :D

  17. Beautiful tart with a fantastic color - so nice that we all seem to have enjoyed this French dessert tart quite a bit!
    Have a great weekend!

  18. Your tart turned out beautifully! You achieved the perfect color! We loved this with both pecans and with almonds.

  19. Oh yes please! You would be shocked (maybe even horrified!) at how much of that I could eat!

  20. I think this is the happiest Post you've ever written. I DO believe you ate the whole thing!!! LOL You did a gorgeous job. It looks beautiful and delicious.

  21. Thank you so much for listing my blog on yours! So sweet of you...I found my way to your blog that way :) Wow, this tart looks incredible! So rich...

  22. Agreed, this one was delicious. I was a bit skeptical of the almonds to begin with, but the flavors really came together. Though, I may try pecans or walnuts next time.

  23. That FFwD tart looks soooooo good. I would have to make a tiny version or be nibbling at that constantly. lol Been a long time since I heard that old Turtles song Happy Together!


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