Wednesday, July 17, 2013

WWDH - Pork Dumplings

Who knew you could make dumplings?  Dumplings are those mysterious but wonderful flavour-filled packages that you buy at Chinese restaurants.  I never dreamed that you could make your own quite easily at home.

This week for Wednesday with Donna Hay, I learned that you could.   Margaret chose Dumplings from Off the Shelf, to use up our wonton wrappers from last month.

These little parcels comprise wonton wrappers filled with pork mince (in my case, Otways pork mince bought in Hawksburn Village), sweet chilli sauce, hoisin sauce and coriander, then steamed or poached in stock.  I didn't have any hoisin sauce, so I used citrus honey sauce instead, and I poached my dumplings in beef stock.  I served the dumplings with sweet chilli sauce on the side.

I was amazed - not only did the finished product look the part, but it tasted great too.  Yum!!!

To see what Margaret, Kayte and Chaya thought of these dumplings, visit their websites.


  1. These dumplings look brilliant, I did not think these could be made at home :D


    P.S Because of my exams, I will not be commenting for around 4 weeks - see you afterwards!

  2. Well, Podunk. I sure am glad I read your blog today. I made my pick for next month. Guess I will be busy in the morning making dumplings. Glad to know they are easy!!!

  3. Your dumplings look great! I'm surprised that you haven't made them before as you cook so many delicious things :)

  4. I had no idea you could do this either! What a professional looking result.

  5. your dumplings look the real mccoy - I have made veg ones quite a few times and love them because hard to find nice veg ones out and about

  6. I've never tried making them myself, always wanted to try though! they look great.

  7. I had a bit of a struggle forming the little packets but other than that it was easy and they were tasty! Yours look great. And yes, who knew???

  8. They do look professional. I always have wonton wrappers on hand and boy am I glad. I can't wait to make these.

  9. hahahaha I always thought those were impossible too hahahaah

  10. I saw this yummy recipe on Kaytes blog--looked delicious too. I must broaden my horizons and try them--don't you think.

  11. Hi Cindy, they are super easy and really tasty - give them a go.


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