Sunday, March 10, 2013

Roasted carrots and beets from Jamie at Home

At St Kilda Veg Out Farmers Market last weekend, I splurged on some of the more unusual things that I saw.  When I laid eyes on these coloured carrots:

I knew I had to have them.  Aren't they glorious!

I also bought some beets - out of sheer laziness, I rarely cook beets, but they are truly a devine vegetable that I should indulge in more often.

Armed with rainbow carrots and beautiful beets, I wanted to cook them in a non-boring fashion.  I knew that Jamie at Home contained some terrific vege recipes, so I turned to it for ideas - and wasn't disappointed.  In fact, Jamie had a recipe for Roasted Carrots and Beets - an absolutely perfect match for my vegetables.

Jamie mixed garlic, orange juice and thyme with the carrots, and garlic, balsamic vinegar and rosemary with the beets, with the flavours added to the freshly roasted vegetables o they absorb the flavours. Delicious!  I made the recipe as stated, except that I substituted sage for the rosemary (because I didn't have rosemary), and I left the skins on the carrots.  (Ignore the brussels sprouts - they were opportunistically thrown into the pan.)

You can find the recipe online here.  Or watch Jamie do it here. Accordingly, if you find yourself with some lovely root veges this weekend, do yourself a favour and try out Jamie's roasted beets and carrots.


  1. What a gorgeous vegetable dish! I love those coloured carrots - I've only ever seen regular orange and the increasingly available purple here in WA, but those mixed bunches are really beautiful. I don't cook beets often either (same reason, laziness!) but this has inspired me to try and get organised to do so.

  2. I love the purple carrot! I seem to recall that's their natural colour and they only became orange on the whim of the Dutch royal family

  3. I wouldn't be able to resist buying these too if I saw them! And roasting carrots is one of my favourite ways to eat them-it makes them so sweet! :D

  4. CC, that's correct. Hard to believe now.


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