Monday, March 11, 2013

Perfect Blueberry Muffins (Felicity Cloake)

I am an avid reader of Felicity Cloake's "Perfect" recipes in The Guardian.  A short time ago, Felicity featured a recipe for Perfect Blueberry Muffins - a great baking recipe to try during the busy working week as it is not labour or time intensive.

There were two things in particular in this recipe that made it different from other blueberry muffins that I have made.  First, Felicity uses brown sugar instead of white sugar - I think this gave the muffins a wonderful depth of caramelised flavour.  Second, instead of just using all the blueberries whole, she mashes half and uses the remainder whole.  I believe that the mashed blueberries made the muffins wonderfully moist.

My Pilates class did vote these muffins as perfect - so perhaps Felicity is spot on.  Enjoy!


  1. I think I need to start reading The Guardian when my husband borrows it from his family! What great looking muffins :)

  2. They do sound delicious, and look delicious as well, I like the idea of using brown sugar for a different taste, thanks for idea to try something new.

  3. Brown sugar makes most recipes better. I do love blueberry muffins.

  4. I love the additional flavour that brown sugar can give items! Great idea :D


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