Tuesday, December 18, 2012

BWJ - Finnish Pulla

This week's Baking with Julia recipe was bread - Finnish Pulla, to be exact.  This bread is on the sweet side of the spectrum, being decorated with sugar and almonds, and flavoured with cardamom.  Our host was Erin of The Daily Morsel.

My heart sank a little at this choice, because bread is never an instant gratification baked good.  Yeast needs time to do its work, and at this time of the year, time is at a premium.  I also found the thought of making a braided bread a little daunting - in the end, I had to go in front of a mirror and braid my own hair before I could translate it to the strands of bread dough.  Another catch is that I have a tiny kitchen with minimal bench space, and each of the bread strands had to be 36" long - definitely a challenge in a small kitchen.  However, after a false start with the braiding, I managed to make it work. And boy, I am a glad I did - the end result is rather impressive looking, as well as rather massive, and tastes really good - crusty on the outside, fluffy in the middle, perfect with just a slather of margarine.

To see how the other BWJ bakers went with Finnish Pulla, visit the LYL section of the website.


  1. I'm taking a pass this week on TwD, though I have plans to make it later in the month. Yours looks great!

  2. LOL, I am just finishing my post and writing the exact same thing about "braiding my own hair" to practice but even after that I couldn't figure it out! Yours looks lovely! This was tasty wasn't it?

  3. It looks great! Your brading technique is wonderful:) Im glad you enjoyed this recipe. I think it would be delightful warm with a dot of butter!

  4. That's funny! The things we do.
    That is an impressive loaf (and I couldn't believe how large it was!)

  5. The long strands were a challenge! I too forgot how to do a simple braid at first. We enjoyed this and will be making again - though a standard loaf.

  6. Excellent work on braiding the dough. That is an impressive wreath!

  7. Your loaf looks great. I got a little confused too because I was braiding sideways. =)

  8. I can relate to the tiny kitchen conundrum - I had to roll each piece out in a sort of Z-shape in order to get the length I needed. Yours turned out beautifully!

  9. Your bread looks perfect! Good effort - I am really daunted by bread creating when it's anything other than a standard loaf, but this looks wonderful.

  10. I making mine this morning. I like the part of braiding your own hair! Good job with that pulla!

  11. Yeah, I can braid hair, but I really have to think hard to braid bread..it shouldn't be that hard, LOL. Your wreath looks perfect!

  12. Love the thought of having to braid your own hair in order to make this work for you! I too have a small kitchen and just could NOT manage the long bread strands, so I chopped them in the middle and made two wreaths instead of one. Lovely job!

  13. Your braid looks great! I had a really hard time wrapping my brain around braiding. I too enjoyed the bread and was so glad I tried it!

  14. Beautiful looking bread!! Such a perfect pick for the season! It will make an appearance on my Christmas morning table!! Happy Holidays!

  15. I agree the result is extrememly impressive looking.. and it wasnt too tough!! Yours look great!

  16. It was a great bread. Well done on the lovely braiding - cute that you had to try it on your hair!

  17. Looks like the braiding worked out in the end! Looks great!

  18. What a very impressive and delicious looking Finnish Pulla you made - it is just pefectly braided and very pretty. I am sure it tasted fabulous!

  19. Your bread looks lovely. Beautiful braiding. We couldn't do it this time around but hope to make it up sometime in the new year.

  20. You made such a beautiful wreath...the training with the hair is a wonderful idea: I had to smile at that!
    I loved it, it's taste is delicious.

  21. Beautiful! It's a busy time of year, but so nice to have a treat like this around. Happy holidays!

  22. Your wreath looks great and I know it tasted wonderful too! Blessings, Catherine www.praycookblog.com

  23. My MIL would be so proud that you made this! She talks about how wonderful pulla is! :)

  24. Totally impressive - glad you did this one even though you were skeptical! Looks beautiful!

  25. Big recipe but worth it!

  26. Your bread is just beautiful! I didn't have time to make this, but I hope to over the holiday.

  27. I loved this one too. And it was beautiful, just like your loaf. Happy Holiday!

  28. You did a really nice job with this, it looks beautiful. I never imagine you in a tiny kitchen, for some reason all the stuff that comes out of your kitchen feels like it comes out of a huge kitchen with all the gee gaws! Really...a tiny kitchen?


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