Saturday, April 23, 2011

Matzo Brittle

I had first read about candy made using crackers in the New York Times Christmas recipes section, where they used saltine crackers with chocolate, caramel and nuts to create candy.  I ws intrigued, but filed it in the "to do" list which grows every day.

However, when it came time to do some Easter baking, I wanted to include the Jewish members of our team (who incidentally turned out not to be devout so I needn't have worried).  Inspired by this recipe that I found at Smitten Kitchen, I decided to make matzo brittle.  This should really be called "crack candy", because it is soooo addictive.  What is not to like about chocolate, nuts and caramel on a crunchy biscuit?

The matzo brittle is a breeze to make.  Take 4 matzo boards and fit them snugly into a foil lined cookie tray:

Next, make a caramel with butter and brown sugar, and pour it over the matzo, then bake the caramel covered matzo in the oven for 15 minutes:

Chop up 1 1/2 cups of dark chocolate finely, and when the caramel matzo comes out of the oven, sprinkle the chopped chocolate evenly over the surface of the caramel.   Leave it to sit for 5 minutes, then using a metal spatula, spread the melted chocolate evenly over the top of the matzo, and sprinkle it with chopped nuts:


Finally, when the matzo brittle has cooled, break it into shards - brilliant!

Try it - I am absolutely in love with this recipe, and when made with kosher ingredients, it is a perfect Passover treat. I am not Jewish, but I loved this candy - I'd definitely make it again


  1. YUM! This looks really good...but so really addictive! I can't resist things with caramel and chocolate. It's an unbeatable combo.

    Happy Easter!

  2. I love the look of this. I'm a sucker for something simple with caramel and chocolate. I suspect that a tiny sprinkle of salt over the caramel might just be a bit wonderful, too.

  3. I've made something quite similar with pretzels and you're right, it's like crack! So good :D

  4. This treat looks great! And easy!

  5. sounds delicious and I am sure your team members wouldn't need to be jewish to appreciate this - though I think I need to cross the river to get matzoh meal - never seen it this side of town

  6. Hi Johanna, south of the river, Woolworths at Malvern stocks matzo meal.

  7. I've never even tried matzo, but this looks tasty!


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