Tuesday, November 17, 2009

TWD - Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies

This week's Tuesday with Dorie is hosted by Pamela of Cookies with Boys, who has chosen Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies. Now personally, I find that title a mouthful; however, they are very much like gingernut biscuits. There - now you all know what they are! (Well, as best you can given that they are apparently different in every Australian state.)

The batter for these cookies smelled devine - I wanted to eat it raw, but didn't. And when they were baking - the smell was out of this world! It was a smell to make you feel happy, full of brown sugar and spicy goodness.

I included all of the spices, including the black pepper (which some TWDers balked at), and used treacle instead of molasses.

These cookies tasted oh so good - they were crispy at the edges and chewy in the middle, and were densely caramelly delicious. I ate two while they were still warm - I couldn't help myself! I'd definitely make these again - they are fairly low fuss, although you need to freeze the gooey dough for half an hour before baking.

You can see what all the other TWDers got up to by visiting the TWD blogroll, and you can obtain the recipe for these cookies from Dorie's book or Pamela's site.


  1. I loved these, weren't they awesome!? I used all the spices and the pepper too :) YUM. This week I made the cran apple crisp, that was delish too!

  2. They look great! I enjoyed these a lot too.

  3. I think the deliciousness of these cookies was something that everyone agreed on. Glad you enjoyed them too! Your plate is lovely. Is it an old piece?

  4. Ooh...I loved these cookies. I'll have to try treacle one day.

  5. Your cookies look great! We loved these too---they were delicious!

  6. I thought these were like gingernuts as well! and loved the raw dough too ;0)

  7. They look great! Thanks for baking the cookies with me. I really liked the pepper...nice and spicy!

  8. I find it so odd that gingernuts are different in each state. I've only tried NSW ones but would love to try others. Maybe we should do a gingernut biscuit swap? Hehe!

  9. Hi Ducky, yes, they'd be perfect for your Christmas bake.

    Amanda, they were awesome!

    Thanks Jill - they were good.

    Hi Clivia, I was looking forward to making these because everyone gave them such a good wrap. The plate is a mock vintage piece that I picked up a few years ago - reminds me of grandma's china!

    Hi Wendy, they were good, weren't they.

    Thanks Nina - I think they get a 100% positive strike rate, from what I've seen.

    Hi Tammy, it's evil when the raw dough is good too :)

    Hi Pamela, this was a great pick - thanks!

    LOL Lorraine, yes, I am curious too.

  10. "Freeze the dough." Is THAT the secret? Should have tried that. Yours look very tasty.

  11. Those look amazing! Some day I'm going to try treacle and golden syrup.

  12. I was a pepper balker, and they were great.

    I made the bundt cake for this week.

  13. These were absolutely DELICIOUS!

    And yours look wonderful.:)

  14. Hi Romaine, perhaps that's the trick - mine didn't spread like many reported.

    Thanks Jules.

    Hi Tanya, I do the bundt next week!

    Thanks Jennifer :)

  15. These cookies were the best. Looking at all the yummy photos makes me want to make them again.

  16. It does sound weird but black pepper has a place in spice cookies...yum!

  17. Your cookies look perfect! The really made the house smell amazing. I am not as disciplined as you, I couldn't resist a little dough.

  18. I have a Canadian friend who often makes molasses cookies!
    Yours look great. I love spice in biscuits.

  19. They look perfect! I loved these too.

  20. Your cookies look wonderful - the sugar coating is perfect! I added the cracked pepper too, I love pepper and think it's a fun addition in baked goods! That dough was gooey and I'll remember to freeze it instead, maybe that would help with the dough sticking to the glass cup when smashing!
    Thank you for the job congrats!! =)

  21. So glad you enjoyed them - they WERE some of the best, I thought! Yours look wonderful!


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