Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blueberry Lemon Curd Ring

I had a yen to make bread recently, and after flicking through my books, I settled on the Blueberry Lemon Curd Ring on p228 of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois.

My effort, pictured above, doesn't quite look like the author's version, which you can view, together with the recipe,
on their website.

I'll blame the differences on the fact that my kitchen was pretty hot and steamy and the dough didn't take kindly to being manipulated when it was nearly melting into the tray.

The finished product tasted OK, but personally, I'd like more lemon curd in it. My friend Ruth didn't believe me when I said there was lemon curd in this bread (there is half a cup). I'd also probably chill it before making the slashes, because hot dough when slashed just melts back into the slashes.

If you try (or have tried) this, let me know - I would love to hear your tips. (Have just spotted a few bloggers who made this, including this one - they all look something like mine and not the authors' version.)


  1. This looks great! Blueberries and lemon curd...awesome flavor combination. I would save some extra lemon curd and drizzle it on each I love that stuff :)

  2. Too bad it didn't turn out as you had expected. Blueberry and lemon is a great combination.

  3. It still sounds wonderful. I'd have to leave the lemon out, but I love blueberry!

  4. Making a bread in high humidity is always so challenging. I'm sorry that the results weren't more to your liking.

    Lemon and blueberry are such a winning combination...I do hope you'll try it again. I know I would love a slice of it right now!!!!!!

  5. I can imagine how weather conditions may have ruined your baking! Its happened to us.

    However, the combination sounds great!

  6. It's very challenging to make bread in humid weather. It's frustrating when the result doesnt look anything like the cookbook but it still taste good. That's what that counts :)

  7. I love the book , i hav emade few recipes and it turned out delish, this looks so so good, i too have seen the pic of the tuhtour, i am sure that is beacuse they are pro in making them unlike us :-)

  8. Lemon cird in bread? I'm so there! I should give this a try and I'll heed your warnings too :)

  9. Lemond curd and blueberries certainly make a great combination together. Have a lovely weekend.

  10. This looks delicious! I love anything with lemon curd!

  11. Cakelaw this look wonderful!! gloria

  12. I agree... the more lemon curd, the better. :)
    This looks great! You are a baking whiz.

  13. I'm a huge fan of lemon curd. It must be divine in bread- and along with blueberries......YUM. Sorry you were unhappy that your photo doesn't look like theirs- but hopefully it tasted wonderful.

  14. I reckon it looks pretty damn good! Never tried it, so can't offer any tips or experience. I can't believe there is 1/2 cup lemon curd in it.

  15. it's disappointing when things don't come out like the picture in the book. Having said that, yours does look great.
    I love blueberries in baked goods when they've popped and their glorious colour leaks into the surrounding batter.

  16. Yours looks delicious and the deep golden colour makes it so appetizing. I wonder if adding more curd in the bread would make it taste more, I tried mixing lemon curd one time into something and the taste did not come out either.

  17. Bitty's the top Queen around here, so she tolerates me being the Queen O' Tocks and Meatballs.

  18. I'll ahve to go back and find this one in ABin5. I don't remember it. And it looks great.


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