Sunday, March 29, 2009

Twilight cupcakes

One of the latest crazes around at the moment is the Twilight series of books by Stephenie Meyer. I was initially cynical, dismissing these books as overhyped teenage literature that I would give a miss. However, my friend Loretta loved them so much and thought so highly of them that I succumbed and bought the first Twilight book - and never looked back. I was hooked!! I was compelled to read the whole series in a row over Christmas, and I could not put them down. These books were fantastic. My friend Aphrodite also became hooked on them through her teenage daughter. We have all now not only read the books, but we've seen the movie and own the merchandise. For the record, I am on Team Edward (even though I like Jake).

For a long while, I have wanted to make Twilight cupcakes in honour of the books. I know that quite a few people have made Twilight cupcakes and cakes, but my vision was different to the ones that I had seen, so I finally got around to making them last week. Although the execution of my idea did not turn out as perfectly as I would have liked, I still think these cupcakes look pretty good - and they tasted great!

I wanted to combine the three key colours of the Twilight cover art - namely black, white and red - into my cupcakes. The components that I put together in my Twilight cupcakes to achieve this aim were:

The Yeti Cupcake recipe from Cupcakes Galore by Gail Wagman without the mini marshmallows:

with a whole raspberry "heart" in each cupcake:

and iced with the jet black Halloween cupcake frosting from Nigella Lawson's Feast, with the initials "E &B" (for Edward and Bella) and a red apple (from the cover of the first book) piped on top:

Here is the interior view of the cupcakes, which shows the overall effect:

These cupcakes tasted delicious and were very popular. Loretta loved them (thanks Loretta!!), and another colleague, Jason, declared them my best cupcakes yet.

While these cupcakes were quite labour intensive to decorate, they were lots of fun to make. These cupcakes are dedicated to Stephenie Meyer and all Twilight fans.


  1. These are awesome. My sister is HOOKED, she saw the move in the theater I think 8 times or something. She made me go, and I really liked it. Edward is HOT. I think she would die if I made these for her - love the raspberry heart.

  2. I haven't read the Twilight series yet, but everyone's been raving about the books. I think I need to break down and find the time to read them. Maybe I can read them while eating these delicious looking cupcakes!! YUM!

  3. Wow they loook so delicous and beautiful.

  4. My teenage daughter is hooked on her books as well and she has bought her books and seen the movie. I am now curious to read them as well. Your cupcakes look delicious as always.

  5. those are just adorable! i haven't seen twilight, but my sister is a big fan. it's on my list to watch!!

  6. Cupcakes on Twilight? LOL< you're certainly imaginative!

  7. The raspberry heart in the middle is so cool! You are quite creative.

  8. The whole "Twilight" thing has rather passed me by, but can I just say what an awesome glaze that is on your cupcakes! So shiny!

  9. the cupcake looks awesome... liked the idea of raspberry heart in the middle!

  10. Thanks Lorelei. I agree - Edward is hot.

    Hi Elyse, I was seriously a doubting Thomas, then I read the first book and was hooked.

    Thanks Happy Cook.

    Hi Ivy, be careful - you too may become hooked!

    Thanks Heather - the movie was good, but the books are fabulous.

    Thanks A&N :)

    Thanks Sara - it was a lovely surprise for everyone who ate them.

    Hi Crusader, it is an amazing glaze, but you have to be very fast when working with it because it thickens and sets very quickly.

    Hi Alice, the raspberry gives a little kick to them and is a surprise because no-one expects it.

  11. Wow! I have two Twilight freaks in the house and they invite friends round to talk about Twilight - these will be such a hit. Thanks!

  12. Ahhh brilliant! I saw the film on a flight ad I was glued to the screen. I even ignored my airline meal (which is rare). They look fantastic Cakelaw!

  13. That's so cool you made cupcakes from a book! I can only hope one day my stories will inspire culinary creations!

  14. Hi GollyGumDrops, glad to be of assistance. Hope your Twilighters enjoy them!

    Hi Lorraine, the movie was good - I thought it was a good adaptation of the book, despite some minor differences in the details here and there. They did the baddies especially well - very groovy kind of vampires.

    Hi Duckie, you have so many wonderful creations that I am sure that day is not far off.


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