Tuesday, February 15, 2022

TWD - Swedish Dream Cookies

 This week’s Tuesday with Dorie recipe is Swedish Dream Cookies. They comprise browned butter, flour, cardamom, baking powder, salt and vanilla, with a chocolate covered almond on top.

As you can see, mine didn’t quite work for reasons that I cannot explain. They spread like wildfire and are quite flat and crumbly. Oh well, they taste ok.

To see what everyone else made this week and what they thought of it, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.


  1. I like the way these look! Did you cool the melted butter before you used it? I'm thinking that might be the reason they spread? If they tasted good, it doesn't matter!

  2. Most interesting photo of these cookies yet...I think you have stumbled upon a new take on them and now I want to make and taste these...well, with just a plain almond, of course. They look so cute and delicious. That browned butter was everything, wasn't it??

  3. These look like lace cookies. Oh well they all can't be winners.

  4. IT's the taste that counts anyway. They look great to me.


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