Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Anna Polyviou x Green's Raspberry Trifle Cupcakes

I do not generally buy packet cake mixes because I know full well I can make cakes quite well from scratch.  However, when I discovered that Anna Polyviou, a pastry chef at the Shangri-La Hotel in Sydney, had teamed up with Greens to produce a couple of different cupcake packet mixes, I was keen to try them out. 

There are two different cupcake mixes designed by Anna - Raspberry Trifle and Lolly Gobble Caramel varieties, sold exclusively at Coles supermarkets:

All of the dry ingredients to make the cupcakes are included in the box - you just need to add the wet ingredients at home.  I was pretty excited when I discovered that the box even contained these groovy Anna-print cupcake papers:

I tried out the Raspberry Trifle Cupcakes first.  They comprise a vanilla cupcake:

swirled with raspberry jam:


filled with custard: 

then decorated with custard-flavoured whipped cream, and crowned with an optional fresh raspberry:

I  loved these cupcakes - they tasted so fresh with the cream on top, which was not overly sweet and balanced the sweet cupcake beneath.

I would happily make these again, and judging by the response to these at work, people would happily eat them again. 


  1. They sound like they were a real hit! So did you just have to add eggs and milk?

    1. You also need butter, and fresh cream for the topping.

  2. I am not a big fan of box mixes as I feel they don't do that much extra - though I know sometimes they can make it easier (esp with GF baking). Your cupcakes look gorgeous - that cream topping is so perfect.


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