Tuesday, August 21, 2018

TWD - Chocolate-Raspberry Thumbprints

On the train recently, I overheard a couple talking rapturously about the pleasures of eating a bag of chips (crisps for those of other jurisdictions).  It made me think about how the simple pleasures are often the best - eating a bag of chips, soaking up the sun on a warm, sunny day, a cool breeze ruffling your hair on a hot day, the waves tickling your toes where the sand and water meet on the beach, watching insects and birds enjoy a beautiful garden - the list goes on.  Perfection!

This week's Tuesday with Dorie recipe is Chocolate-Raspberry Thumbprints - what we Aussies call jam drops.  Instead of the usual vanilla dough, these jam drops are chocolate flavoured.  The version in the book is decorated with drizzled milk chocolate.  However, I thought that they were perfection as they were, without the drizzle, and left them alone.

To see what the other Doristas made and what they thought of it, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.



  1. Haha sounds like a conversation I have with friends all the time! :D

  2. You make me want the chips and the relaxing space to eat them too! Love the sound of these bikkies!

  3. love the name “jam drops”! glad you found these to be perfect simple pleasures.

  4. I love the name jam drops. My hubby is a jam lover so these disappeared in my house.

  5. I agree, jam drops are the superior name for these cookies! These cookies were a big hit for all my tasters.


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