Sunday, March 25, 2018

Pear ginger and olive oil cake - Honey & Co

I had imposed a semi-ban on buying new cookbooks as I already have so many, but when I saw the Honey & Co The Baking Book on sale (sold as Golden in the US) recently, I decided to buy it. Honey & Co cookbooks have gorgeous covers, evocative writing, interesting recipes and gorgeous photography.  Both of their books have been out for a few years now, but I resisted buying it until recently, and I have not been disappointed.

I have bookmarked a number of recipes to make, but first cab off the rank is their Pear Ginger and Olive Oil Cake.  I decided to make it after seeing a few pear cake recipes around, and pears being quite good and cheap at present.

This cake has a lovely sugary crunchy top studded with pear wedges, and is filled with fruit and spices.  It is a seriously good cake.

The recipe for this cake is also online here, should you care to make it.  I thought this cake was wonderful and urge you to give it a go, particularly if you like pear and ginger.


  1. sounds lovely - I have been resisting new cookbooks too but it is hard when so much tempation

  2. Oh yum, I love both pear and ginger and my friend’s mum had a loaded pear tree. It also looks very luscious! Thank you.

  3. I'm going to save this for when we are in the depths of winter and all we have are pears! :D I had never heard of these books before so thanks for the intro!

  4. It sounds like it was worth making an exception for this book. The cake looks lovely.


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