Tuesday, August 15, 2017

TWD - Crash-O-Cookies

This week's Tuesday with Dorie recipe is Crash-O-Cookies.  These cookies are named after Dorie's family friend, Crash, who paints guitars.  They are basically oatmeal cookies with raisins chocolate added.  The recipe is online here

I used sultanas (golden raisins) and instead of chopped milk chocolate, I used a mixture of white and dark chocolate chips, because that is what I had in the house.  I am pretty sure you could mix these up with your favourite dried fruit and chocolate.

The verdict? These cookies are delicious - chewy and comforting.  I understand why Crash likes them.

To see what everyone else thought of these cookies, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.


  1. These were really good, right? I messed up a little but they are forgiving and SO tasty!

  2. Oatmeal cookies are always a favorite around here!
    Thank you for stopping by my site. All is well - hopefully when I finish up my degree next spring I can get back to all of the things I enjoy :-)

  3. I like the idea of blending sultanas with chocolate chips. I don't think I have ever had that!

  4. These were good oatmeal cookies. I liked the addition of chocolate.

  5. Sultanas and a mix of chocolates sound really yummy. And they look good too!


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