Sunday, June 25, 2017

Hairy Dieters' Beef Stroganoff

I like hearty dishes in cold weather, and the Hairy Dieters' Beef Stroganoff surely hit the spot.  The Hairy Dieters have taken an old favourite and made it calorie friendly, for example, by subbing cream with half fat crème fraiche.

You can find the recipe posted online here, but I highly recommend the book that it comes from, The Hairy Dieters Eat For Life.  What's not to love - beef, mushrooms, onions and of course, sauce!

I served my beef strog with boiled wholegrain rice to soak up all the lovely sauce.  Definitely a winner!


  1. Mmm this sounds so divine! I love rich stews like this is winter-perfect dinner food! :d

  2. That looks delicious and diety at all. I love soppingup rich sauces with bread or mashed potato, which probably defeats the whole diet thing!!!


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