Thursday, June 15, 2017

EwE - Cool off with ... Peach Pie Smoothie

It is summer in the US, so for this week's Eating with Ellie, Margaret has chosen the theme of Cool Off With ...  It has just entered winter here, so cooling off is not an issue for me.  However, I couldn't just submit "winter" as my post, so I flicked through my Ellie books and chose Peach Pie Smoothie from So Easy

This smoothie contains lots of cooling ingredients, like milk, yoghurt and ice.  The original recipe also contained frozen peaches; I have never seen frozen peaches sold here, but I keep my opened canned fruit in the fridge, so I used cold canned peaches.  The sum of all of this is a rather cooling drink.  The "pie" component comes from sprinklings of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger, and a little added sweetness comes from honey.

I made mine for breakfast one weekend morning, and I rather enjoyed it - it was nicer texturally for me than a banana smoothie I tried earlier in the year.

To see how my Ellie friends are cooling off, visit the LYL section of the Eating with Ellie website.


  1. I really like the sound of this! I've had an apple pie shake where they've blended up pieces of the crust too!

  2. sounds good to me - I really love such a drink in summer but also have them occasionally for breakfast in winter just to try and get some fruit in me when the fresh stuff is less than great

  3. It's summery here in the UK so cooling off with a peach pie drink sounds perfect :-)

  4. Yummy! Loved this smoothie recipe! Great job!

  5. I'd pick a peach smoothie over banana every single time! So yummy!

  6. I have made this smoothie for years and loved it. She has a coffee mocha one that is good too.


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