Monday, April 10, 2017

Apple and Cinnamon Hot Cross Buns

On Friday night, Tim and I went to see Daniel Kitson and Gavin Osborn in Stories For The Starlit Sky at The Playhouse as part of the Melbourne Comedy Festival. I was introduced to Daniel Kitson's work about 12 years ago by my then boss, who had seen him perform in London.  I have previously been to two of Daniel's shows, both in Brisbane, and liked his whimsical brand of story telling.

 Stories For The Starlit Sky is a trilogy in three parts, which goes for three hours and 40 minutes.  Daniel's story-telling is accompanied and intertwined with songs from Gavin.  I was glad that I stayed for the whole show, because all three of the stories were part of a single whole told from three different angles.  Quite a few people left either at the first or second break (we lost our neighbours on both sides), but you would have missed some crucial parts of the story/stories if you left before the end.  To stay to the end was to be rewarded; I think that the last story was the most bitter-sweet of all, and it tied together a few loose ends from the earlier stories.

This week sees Easter upon us, and I am looking forward to seeing my family over the break.  In the lead-up, I spent a cold, wet miserable Sunday making some Easter treats for my friends and colleagues.

First up, I made Apple and Cinnamon Hot Cross Buns.  Lorraine from Not Quite Nigella made these last week, and pronounced them to be the "softest ever" hot cross buns.  I was intrigued, because homemade bread is usually nothing like the fluffy store-bought versions.  Lorraine's secret  weapon is a mixture called a "tangzhong" to make the buns soft and fluffy.  You can find the recipe here.

I was very pleased with the end result:

You can see that they were indeed soft and fluffy inside, and the mild apple and cinnamon flavours made a nice change from the more traditional spiced dried fruit versions.  (Although I have to say I had an awesome chocolate and cherry hot cross bun from Zumbo on Saturday.)
I loved this bun recipe - it didn't have the slightly weird taste and texture of most homemade bread recipes, and the buns were beautifully soft and fluffy.
If you are keen to try your hand at hot cross bun making, I strongly recommend giving these buns a try. 


  1. Oooh squeall!!! I'm honoured that you made these buns and so chuffed that you liked them. I know exactly what you mean about that funny taste-I'm not sure what it's from but I thought that it was just me. Thanks for sharing your delightful looking buns! :D

    1. I don't know what it is either, but these buns tasted perfect.

  2. P.S. I am going to do a chocolate version next year! ;)

  3. Good to hear it works - I have been wondering about making apple hot cross buns and looking at Lorraine's recipe! And good to hear about Daniel Kitson's show - we were just talking about him last night and how much we enjoyed his show some years ago

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed your night out and got the reward for staying to the end. I'm also glad you enjoyed these and I think they look delicious!

  5. So, yeah... chocolate and cherry? Sounds right up my alley. I just posted a version of hot cross buns today but need to try this method now - intrigued! So good!


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