Thursday, October 13, 2016

TWD - Custardy Apple Squares

Oops!  I made my Tuesdays with Dorie recipe for this week - I just forgot to post about it.  Well, better late than never, I say.

I made the Custardy Apple Squares (I have also made the Pear Tart but you'll have to wait for that one!).  This little treat was dead easy to make, so long as you own a mandolin to slice the apples thinly.  It comprises sliced apples baked in a custard batter then cut into squares  - and that is it.

I really enjoyed these pleasant tasting custardy apple squares.  They were not fancy, but they were good.

To see what everyone else made this week, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.


  1. You decorated the dish beautifully. The squares look cozy good.

  2. I love custard flavours and apple flavours so these sound good to me!

  3. I thought these were simple but quite delicious too. I love your little plate.

  4. Oh they look so yummy and sound it too. I am not allowed to have a mandolin, as even with the attachment I am likely to slice my fingers.

  5. These are so cute cut up into little squares. You won't be surprised to discover I minified mine!

  6. love your little cockatoos! we liked these apple squares, too.

  7. Yes better late than never. I am glad you liked them. It was an easy dessert which was nice.

  8. It's such a pretty treat and so delicious. Yours looks great. I cut my slices by hand, so they're not quite as delicate as they should be. It didn't affect the taste, though, so I'm happy.


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