Friday, August 19, 2016

Salted Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies

I am an avid reader of the food section of  The New York Times.  From time to time, I find a gem of a recipe, print it off and forget about it.  However, in the case of a recipe for Salted Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies, I could not get them out of my head.  It took me four months to make them among other projects, but I am so glad that I did.

These cookies are the bomb - the very best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had, and among the very best biscuits of any kind that I have ever had.  The tahini adds a gorgeous nutty flavour to complement the chocolate, and the flavours are set off beautifully by the salt sprinkled on top as the cookies come out of the oven.  They are also quite crispy cookies - I like them that way.

The only change I made to the recipe is that I didn't wait for 12 hours before baking the dough - I baked it straight away and the cookies seemed just fine to me.

If you like chocolate chip cookies, do yourself a favour and make these - they are wonderful.


  1. Mmmm, mmmm! Great! They look delicious!

  2. I can see why you wanted to make these - I have a chocolate tahini biscuit recipe that I just love so I will be bookmarking this one to try - they look delicious

  3. Tahini in cookies sounds interesting. Your review makes me want to try them.

  4. Can't wait to make these. I, too, have that recipe somewhere, but I've never made it. Now's the time! Thanks

  5. Gosh, I think I need to bake up these gems. Wonder if Bill will detect the tahini---maybe a half batch ;)

  6. I always have so much tahini because I only really use it in hummus. These sound like great cookies! :D

  7. Dear Gaye, the world is a small place...I have been wanting to make that very recipe for the longest time. And following your glowing recommendation, I will make theswe cookies asap! They sound incredibly delicious to me and I love baking with tahini!
    All the best!


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