Thursday, May 26, 2016

EwE - BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwiches with Traditional Coleslaw - Indy 500 Lunchbox

It's Indy 500 weekend this coming weekend.  On Sunday, Indiana hosts its 100th Indy 500 race meeting.  Kayte, our resident cook from Indianapolis, has suggested this week's Eating with Ellie theme, Indy 500 - What's in Your Lunchbox?

I turned to my new Ellie book, So Easy, for my lunchbox pick.  I made BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwiches with Traditional Coleslaw.   Sandwiches are a logical lunchbox choice, and the coleslaw easily packs into single serve plastic dishes for one, or a large dish for sharing on paper plates. 

The BBQ chicken was a revelation - take one run of the mill supermarket rotisserie (BBQ) chicken, shred it and warm it up in a homemade BBQ sauce packed with tomato passata, spices and molasses.  (I skipped the liquid smoke - I wasn't shelling out for an expensive one use item.)  Pack the chicken into a wholemeal bread roll topped with a lettuce leaf, and lo, you have one tasty sandwich.  I can vouch for the fact that the filling is also great on a wrap.

The coleslaw involves just using store bought coleslaw mix and dressing it with a homemade dressing comprising chiefly of yoghurt and mayo.

I really enjoyed this dish, and proved that it is lunch worthy by taking it in to work for lunch myself a few days.

To see what the others have in their Indy 500 lunchboxes, visit the LYL section of the Eating with Ellie website.

And today, my blog turns 9.  I can't believe it's been 9 years - blogging has become such a part  of my life that I don't remember what it was like pre-blog.  I started blogging with no plan other than, "I like reading what other people write, and I can do this too!"  To all my friends in the blogosphere, thanks for enriching my life - I have enjoyed sharing your adventures and sharing mine with you.


  1. Happy Blogoversary Gaye!!! It has been wonderful getting to know you and your wonderful surroundings these past few years. Time really does fly in the land of blogs, doesn't it!!! Here's to many more years of fun blogging, new friendships and surprises too:)

    Now, as for that BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwich and Coleslaw, all I can say is let the races begin. I never think to buy the supermarket rotisserie chicken and transform it into something more than what it is. Best to get my creative juices going with this one. Easy peasy and I'm sure yummy too!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing, Gaye...Enjoy the race:)

  2. Happy Anniversary! I'm so happy you started blogging and I have gotten to know you and share your posts. So I guess that makes it an anniversary for me as well!! We've been friends so long that I can't even remember how we first met, I'm guessing TWD!! That was a lot of recipes ago and we are still going strong. I love this recipe you chose and I almost chose it myself but I've already posted it before so I picked a new one. This one you chose is a favorite here and I make it quite often. Yum!!

  3. Happy Blogoversary, Gaye! You always have great posts and this one is no exception. Love that chicken sandwich! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Happy anniversary :) And I like the sound of your barbecue sauce!

  5. Dear Gaye, wishing you a very Happy Blogiversary!!!I cannot believe that you have been blogging for so long and I am very happy that we "met" online and virtually. You have a marvelous blog and I enjoy each and every visit here.
    And the choice of sandwich sounds quite wonderful and looks utterly delicious with that side slaw!
    Take good care and I am looking forward to many more wonderful years of your blogging!

  6. A very happy blogsoversary Cakelaw!!! Nine years is a very long time! I hope there are many more years of you sharing your delicious eats! :D Are you going to celebrate? Here's to you!

  7. Happy Blogiversary. Please don't stop!!

    I made this back in 2011. It was good, but....


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