Tuesday, December 8, 2015

TWD - Chocolate Chestnut Tart with Vanilla Chestnut Syrup

For Tuesday with Dorie this week, we had the option of either making Stained Glass Cookies or Chocolate Chestnut Tart.  I went with the Chestnut Tart because I want to save the cookies for inclusion in my Christmas gift boxes.

The tart involved making a fully baked pie crust, which you then scattered with candied chestnuts: 

We made the candied chestnuts ourselves in a vanilla poaching syrup.  the syrup was reserved for later to eat drizzled over the finished tart.

A chocolate ganache filling is poured over the chestnuts in the tart shell, then baked until firm:

It looks devine, doesn't it:

The tart is then allowed to cool until warm or at room temperature, then served with icecream and the vanilla syrup used to candy the chestnuts: 

That syrup is magnificent all on its own - it is a shame that chestnuts are so terribly expensive, or I would make this more often.

The tart is rich, smooth and of course chocolatey, and the candied chestnuts add a welcome texture and taste.

To see what the other bakers thought of this tart (or the cookies, whichever they chose to make), visit the LYL section of the TWD website.

Finally, I note that chivalry is not dead and I thank the unknown young man who gave up his seat for me on the train this morning as I commuted to work with my handbag, a tote and this tart in hand.  It was much appreciated.


  1. This looks amazinbg, I have never had a chestnuts before but after looking at this post I will try chestnuts, Trader Joe's even has these peeled. Happy Holidays!!

  2. Yum this looks so delicious. I am making this one after the cookies. Looking forward to it. I am glad that chivalry is not dead:)

  3. That DOES look divine! I will be making this in France - I hope I can find the right kind of chestnuts!

  4. Ahh I adore chestnuts! They're so plentiful in Europe but alas not so here. This looks divine! :D

  5. I am very much looking forward to making this one! It looks wonderfully delicious. I think I have a pack of chestnuts left over from our May trip to NYC stashed away in a cabinet.

    Happy Holidays!

  6. The holiday baking projects, the chestnuts, the lovely tart and the young man who gave up his seat remind me of all the wonders of the season! Nice post.

  7. What a spectacular tart! If I made this, I have a feeling I'd be eating it alone :(

  8. I agree that this was divine, especially with the ice cream and poaching syrup.

  9. Yours looks great! And how nice to be given a seat!

  10. Last year, when we baked Dorie's Buche de Noel, I called some friends over on the spur of the moment to share the Buche and some champagne. It was a delightful evening! I'm thinking that this year, I'll make the chestnut tart and do the same thing. Your's looks gorgeous and makes me even more eager to bake it.

  11. That looks scrumptious, I can't wait to make it later this month.

  12. Wow does that look chocolately!! I will be making this one next…glad to see what it looks like and to know that it turned out! :) Yay, to the kind gentleman!!! Didn't that just make your day :)


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