Sunday, December 20, 2015

Gingerbread Men - Bourke Street Bakery Recipe

Another addition to this year's Christmas boxes was gingerbread men.  Everyone seems to like gingerbread men, and I had bought a "Cursed Cookie" cutter the year before to make gingerbread men that were in the shape of voodoo dolls.

The gingerbread recipe that I used was from the Bourke Street Bakery Cookbook - I have previously posted the recipe here.  This is a really nice tasting gingerbread.  This time, I made 20 gingerbread men using a large cutter. I lost three f them because I accidentally lighted the wrong burner on the stovetop where they were cooling, and you can guess the rest.  I was lucky not to lose the whole tray.

To decorate my gingerbread men, I took a leaf from my Day of the Dead cookie decorating experience and topped the gingerbread with white fondant that I had stamped with the voodoo doll design from the cookie cutter.  I highlighted the details using Queen writing icing pens.

I think these gingerbread men looked pretty cool, and the gingerbread tasted good - I ate the head from one of the burned gingerbread men, as the head had escaped the heat of the gas burner.


  1. They are so adorable!! I love how you crossed gingerbread with DOTD!! :D

  2. they look like a fun addition to your Christmas boxes - and I love all the details

  3. Gaye, these are certainly different and the kids would absoultely adore to decorate a few of them, that´s for sure!

  4. These are hilarious! Gingerbread men with character :D I love them.

  5. Love the decoration! We're all thinking ginger this week it would seem...anyone would think it was Christmas!

  6. Exquisitos y originales me gusta esta decoraciĆ³n,tenga usted una linda Navidad,abrazos

  7. These are utterly adorable! Love the decoration (and I have done that with a burner as well - expect I put a plastic jug down on it...). Merry Christmas Gaye! xx

  8. Well, Day of the Dead and dead Gingerbread men: not unexpected. They look fabulous and great decorating. Those box recipients are Very Lucky!!!


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