Saturday, November 28, 2015

TWD - Pear Raspberry Roll Up Tart

It is a sign of how distracted I have been by things going on that I forgot to post Tuesdays with Dorie this week.  I had made the dish, Pear Cranberry Roll Up Tart, a couple of weeks ago, but the posting day passed me by without it even twigging with me.

Accordingly, I now present my pear and raspberry roll up tart (fresh and frozen cranberries being unicorns in Australia) for your delectation:

It was really delicious - lovely pastry, fruity filling made with real fruit, not jam, sugar on top - what's not to love.  Pear and raspberry roll up tart, I am sorry that I forgot about you, honestly - you were delicious.

To see what the others thought of of this tart, visit the LYL section of the TWD website.


  1. Pear and raspberry sounds like a match made in heaven!!!

  2. I regret to inform you that if you are distracted now it is only going to get worse in the next 4 weeks :-) but the tart looks lovely - just hope you weren't too distracted to eat it :-)

  3. This looks delicious Cakelaw and I like the raspberry swap (even if it was driven by need). I hope things settle down for you, but as Johanna notes, it's probably not looking promising for the next month!


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