Tuesday, November 10, 2015

TWD (BCM) - Chocolate Covered Toffee Breakups

For Tuesdays with Dorie (BCM) this week, we made Chocolate Covered Toffee Breakups.

In brief, this is crack candy for the soul - hard caramel, covered with chocolate and studded with roasted nuts.

I had the benefit of the P&Q, so followed Steph's tips to use a Silpat for the caramel and only put the nuts on top rather than within the toffee.  This made the candy simple to make.

This is definitely the kind of thing that you need to share with as many people as possible to get it out of your house.  It is really delicious and bad, bad, bad for your teeth and waistline.

To see what everyone else thought of this week's TWD dish, visit the LYL section of the website.


  1. Wow, Gaye, those look dangerous. But delicious. I am going to have to try them myself, when I have someone to share (um, send them home) with. They'd make good gifts at the holidays.

  2. As soon as I had tasted this I was packaging it up to give away. It's TOO good!!

  3. I love these sorts of treats. What a perfect name too! :D

  4. Crack candy for the soul indeed! Aren't they delicious? Yours look great!

  5. So sad I didn't find time to bake along this week. I'd have to whip this up for a pre Christmas rewind so I can package them up as gifts.

    Your crunch looks lovely.

    Katie xoxo

  6. Oh man this stuff is so good. As soon as I ate some I was content to not have any more though... (no my body or sanity has not been snatched)

  7. Oh wow - yum! Definitely a dangerous but delicious treat :-)

  8. Good idea with only "nutting" the top! I think these make great gifts, too!

  9. This is definitely meant for sharing - it's too good to keep around.

  10. Knowing how addictive these will be, I made half a recipe! These are good!

  11. Crack candy for the soul, I love it. I am going to tell my guests that on Saturday when I can get this addictive stuff out of my house:)

  12. They are so delicious, I wish Tricia's boys were around to help.


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