Thursday, August 20, 2015

EwE - Two-Minute Mango Coconut Sorbet

For Eating with Ellie this week, Chaya selected Two-Minute Mango Coconut Sorbet

In theory, this sounds nice - frozen mango cheeks are blitzed with coconut milk and basil to create a sorbet.  However, in practice, I could not get frozen mangoes so I used canned mangoes, and I was not a fan of the finished result, even when it set up - I found the texture a little odd and the flavour was not for me.

However, if you are looking for a relatively low fat dessert and you are a mango fan, this could be the dessert for you. 

To see what the others thought of this dish, visit the LYL section of the Eating with Ellie website.


  1. I am sorry, it did not work for you. I loved it. I thought it would be good with peach and that is easier to find frozen.

  2. Mmmmm! This has to be delicious! Coconut always works for me!

  3. Oh yours looks very pretty! I was a little skeptical of this but Mark loved it and then as I kept eating it, it sort of grew on me and when I finished my several bites, I wished I had more since I made just a small batch. It was something really different...and I can see where it would be an acquired taste for sure.

  4. I thought this was really tasty - I just got around to it now on catch-up week. I think this is a versatile blueprint for quick ice cream. Lots of people I know love blended frozen banana. Would you like that?


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