Sunday, April 5, 2015

Marshmallow Rabbits and Filled Chocolates for Easter

Happy Easter!  I hope that you are having a lovely Easter weekend with family and friends.

For Easter, I made some marshmallow rabbits for my team at work using my usual recipe.

I also made some chocolates filled with homemade hazelnut spread:

The recipe I used for the chocolates is here on Honey and Spice.  I also filled some of the chocolates with rose petal jam.  To decorate the chocolates, I brushed them with red lustre dust and hologram edible glitter:
Because I didn't use couverture chocolate, the chocolates were neither as shiny nor crisp as I would have liked.  However, they were OK and looked the part.
Have a lovely Easter weekend. 


  1. Aww they are are so seriously cute lil rabbits! Great job and a very Happy Easter! :D

  2. Happy Easter! Your rabbits are amazing and the chocolates sound delicious.

  3. Dear Gaye, these are really cute Easter treats - hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend!

  4. I saw these lovelies in my side bar the other day Gaye but I just couldn't get here in time for a nibble. Poor me, they sure would have hit the spot!

    I'm sure they were a huge hit! Hope you enjoyed your Easter:) Things are still awry around here but hopefully calming down soon...thanks for sharing, Gaye...

  5. I just love this!! How have you been! I have missed you:)))

  6. Oh, I love those bunnies, those are so cute, Gaye!! You are so talented and creative. The guys would love those, you do Easter spectacular there!! :-)


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