Saturday, February 28, 2015

Salted milk chocolate brownies

Are you attracted by unusual flavour combinations?  I know that any flavour combination that sounds a little off the beaten track instantly gains my attention and makes me curious.  So it was with Ruby Tandoh's Salted Milk Chocolate Brownies, the recipe for which is online here.

Salted caramel has become commonplace, but salted milk chocolate is new to me, so I decided to give these brownies a burl.  I wanted to make sure that they were gooey in the middle but not too gooey, so even though my photos show that the brownie tops all cracked when I cut them, the filling stayed steadfastly in one piece, and was delightfully fudgy.  I count this as a win.

The salt and milk chocolate (Cadburys, in my case) complemented each other well, making for a brownie with a twist.  I would definitely make these again.


  1. Oh, brownies are my kryptonite. I am in love right now :).

    Kay of Pure & Complex

  2. I think that sounds like an amazing combination!

  3. Salted Milk? Now that is news to me, Gaye. I have a feeling I would love the combination although, I'm not really sure I want to get oo use to them, lol...Chocolate is defintely a Winter blues chaser, I posted two chocolate cakes today. I baked them both in the same night! Wacky and Pudding Cakes both with Kahlua for Kahlua Day, lol... You would like the pudding cake I think, it has just the right amount of gooeyness:) Now, I need a Salted Milk Brownie to top things off!

    Thanks for sharing, Gaye...

  4. salt and milk chocolate - sounds great - though the vagueness of the amount of salt sounds tricky to me as I am not quite sure what the flavour should be - but I guess I should have a go - worse case scenario I just have to make another batch!


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