Saturday, February 21, 2015

Lola Berry's Fig, Peach and Cardamom Paleo Loaf

I am an avid reader of the food columns in newspapers.  There are, of course, recipes published that I would never try in a million years, but they are interesting to read about.  However, I am quite often inspired by a recipe that I have found in the newspaper, and provided that I print it off immediately and don't let it languish too long in my pile of recipes, I will make. 

This was the case with Lola Berry's recipe for Fig, Peach and Cardamom  Paleo Loaf, in The Age.  The name of the cake immediately appealed to me, and because of my flirtations with a diet prescribed by a naturopath at one point, I had all of the ingredients except for the fresh fruit on hand.  Perfect!

This cake is quite easy to make, because it is basically a one bowl and one jug number, with no mixer or fancy equipment required.  I had bought some gorgeous fresh figs and a fresh peach from South Melbourne market especially for the occasion.  It took about 20 minutes in the oven than the recipe stated, whether this was due to the size of my pan, my oven or otherwise. 

The end result was quite pleasing:

Unlike some gluten free cakes that I have tried, this cake was quite moist inside.  The flavours melded pleasingly, and the appearance of the cake was quite attractive.  The only drawback is that I found the cake crumbled fairly easily - whether this was because of its inherent moistness, the lack of gluten, the presence of so much fresh fruit or all of the above, I cannot tell.

However, the cake tasted really good, and I would make it again, crumbliness and all.   There is no need to top it with anything - it tastes great on its own.


  1. Look at how decadent and moist that loaf looks. I would eat that any day. Wonderful post

  2. I'm always puzzled about the use of the word "paleo," and what it might have to do with the actual history of the paleolithic era. Virtually none of the ingredients in this cake would have been available at that time. But I'm sure it's a delicious cake!

  3. Oh, yum! I don't usually lean towards paleo recipes but the flavous in this loaf are very much my style.

  4. That looks rich and delicious. I'm also always confused on the whole paleo diet thing and just when I think I have it sorta kinda maybe figured out, I come across other things that make me step back and sigh, "Oops, no I don't have it all figured out," still learning. Either way, this looks wonderful.

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one confused by the term Paleo, I just looked at the ingredients for this loaf Gaye, which by the way look quite yummy, and I am now Paleo confused!

    No mind though, I have learned it is best to look at the ingredients and method and if it sounds intriguing then to go for it as you have here. Just look how satisfied you were and how delicious it looks. Isn't that all that really matters sometimes:)

    Thanks for sharing, Gaye...

  6. looks delicious and very pretty too - I find that gluten free baking can often be a bit more fragile than gluten (ironic as we are always trying to make sure the gluten doesn't toughen up in cakes!)

    And I don't read newspaper food columns enough but love reading your blog as I often catch up with some of the good ones here


Thanks for dropping by!